When it comes to serving food, storing pharmaceuticals or maintaining appliances, you can never be too careful. You need to be sure.

It’s the idea that drives Testo’s tools and services; the need for absolute certainty. Testo’s new brand element, “Be Sure,” encompasses the idea that we want to provide innovative solutions in the form of accurate, portable testing instruments; rather than just tools you bring along.

In the age of boundless information, don’t you think you should always be sure?

Unrivalled certainty

For those who deal with exact measurements and complicated machinery, there’s no better feeling than peace of mind – knowing a job was well-done. Testo is changing the direction of its business, and our new brand message is “Be Sure,” is a clear indicator of everything we want to accomplish.

Our goal is to provide you with innovative solutions to your needs.Our goal is to provide you with innovative solutions to your needs.

Innovative tools that incorporate the latest technology available allow you to make the right decisions that improve products and save you time and resources, without compromising safety and quality.

Intuitive software that connects directly with your instruments to automatically pull data offers accurate measurement readings and better customer service by being able to store, email or print out reports.

Dependable servicing gives you the peace of mind that experienced professionals have ensured your tools meet all the criteria to stay as reliable as the day you bought them.

Looking toward the future

Industries are evolving every day as appliances and equipment become more complex. The same old methods we’ve all relied on for years simply can’t match the speed and accuracy that’s needed to provide safety and certainty in today’s world, which is why Testo is striving to become the global leader in manufacturing portable testing equipment that provides innovative solutions to meet your needs.

Portable testing instruments that provide innovative solutions to complex challenges.Portable testing instruments that provide innovative solutions to complex challenges.

The digital revolution is well underway, and there’s perhaps no greater benefactor than yourself. Tools with digital displays that connect to software via Bluetooth can provide unparalleled precision with ease by using multiple probes and sensors to do the same work you’ve been doing, but only taking half the time to do so.

State-of-the-art diagnostics and servicing equipment keeps your instruments as accurate as the day you purchased them, and ensures they’re compliant with every relevant law. There’s no more second guessing involved; now, you can always be sure.

Introduce yourself to the Testo family of devices and gadgets that are making work more fun and less complex. The world is changing quickly and those who adapt are best prepared for the future; don’t you think your tools should provide innovative solutions? Contact a Testo representative today to learn more.