Carbon monoxide can be a serious health risk in all types of enclosed spaces. Because this gas can't be detected by the human senses – it lacks any odour, colour or discernible taste – it is especially dangerous. As it mostly produces generalised symptoms, such as dizziness, weakness and confusion, it can be difficult or impossible to quickly identify potential exposure in the absence of necessary tools. Without the proper safety measures in place, like CO monitoring systems, this harmful substance can cause negative health outcomes, including death.

Reliable CO monitoring can greatly mitigate the risks of CO exposure by quickly notifying those facing such a threat and allowing corrective action to be taken quickly and effectively. Consider these three reasons to update your CO monitoring system.

A testo 315-3 CO/CO2 detector.CO monitoring instruments are valuable in many settings, including restaurants and commercial kitchens.

1. Employee safety

The health and safety of workers should be a top priority for all businesses. Employees, managers and senior leadership all deserve a safe and hazard-free workplace.

CO monitoring and testing is an effective defence against a harmful substance that is otherwise invisible. Regular testing and additional checks when equipment and systems that can produce CO malfunction or employees report symptoms can help protect against the worst outcomes of CO poisoning.

2. Legal compliance

CO exposure above a certain threshold can be dangerous, and that danger grows the longer someone continues to inhale the gas. The maximum limit during a standard eight-hour work period is 30 parts per million, Safe Work Australia said. This Workplace Exposure Standard is the highest acceptable level of exposure set by the federal government.

Businesses that don't take steps to address the potential buildup of CO in workplaces and subsequent health issues it may cause can face significant sanctions and penalties. Additionally, states and territories may create and enforce additional rules and regulations around CO exposure.

While CO is especially dangerous in the sense that it isn't easily noticed by individuals or groups, detecting it with the proper equipment is a simple process. With the right measuring solutions and probes, your company can effectively and consistently measure air for the potential presence of CO.

3. Productivity

Safe and healthy employees are productive employees. And when your workers know your organisation actively works to keep them safe, they'll have peace of mind that's valuable while on the job. Although CO is just one of many potential workplace hazards, it can cause especially severe and negative effects on health. Less-severe exposure can also cause symptoms that interfere with employees' ability to function safely and normally – headache, confusion and dizziness are common symptoms.

While safety is the top reason for implementing CO monitoring, it's important to note that these solutions also support productivity and consistency in your workforce.

Understanding different types of CO monitoring equipment

Testo offers a wide range of CO monitoring equipment that can address the needs of businesses across the modern economy:

  • Multifunction measuring solutions, such as the testo 400 Universal IAQ instrument, allow for effective and comprehensive monitoring of CO and many other indoor air quality and comfort parameters using a single device.
  • CO probes work with multifunction instruments to consistently measure the presence of CO and keep employees safe.
  • Ambient CO measurement solutions are especially effective when working with heating systems.

A dependable partner for your CO monitoring needs

Testo is here to support your company's commitment to employee safety, regulatory compliance and a productive workplace with reliable CO monitoring solutions. Check out the links above and get in touch with us to learn more.